I don’t know about you, but when I am not feeling well I really LOVE to be home by myself. Today is one of those days. Once I got everyone off to their destinations I just needed to lie down and rest. I slept a while, got showered, and went to lie down again.
My problem is, that while I know that this is a good thing, I miss people. I mean I love to be home by myself because I can sleep and be quiet and sleep some more. But then when I am awake I wonder what my husband is doing or where my friends are or what I am missing out on. Anyone relate?
Well, another benefit of the quiet is that I can begin to sense God’s nearness. I picked up my Bible and started to read and over and over again His Word is just a wealth of encouragement and reminders of His faithfulness. I also love His instruction about how to live and so I have started journaling in my Bible so that I can give it to my daughter one day.
I love this picture of her and my mom.
The past couple of years have been great reminders to me that we won’t always have the chance to have an influence on our kids. Two of my dearest friends lost their moms and I know that they treasure every ounce of the heritage that they left behind.
So often my words come across like, “Because I’m your mom and I said so!” But God’s Word? Oh just look…
“The sum of your Word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.” Psalm 119:160
“The Words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times.” Psalm 12:6
Seven is the number of perfection and completion. His Word is purified to perfection and completion. What mom would NOT want to give her child perfection and completion, and God’s Word?
Maybe she will go through many times of uncertainties but God’s Word tells us that “He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1: 17
Being alone and quiet gives me a chance to be reminded of these promises myself. I can journal about things that I am going through so that she sees that my life is far from perfect! I need God and His Word at every turn so that I can just make it through those times that I’m angry, hurt or feel alone.
Recently God has been very clear that He wants me to be silent in an area where I have been very vocal for several years. A sanguine like me struggles greatly in the area of silence, and especially when I am use to opening my big trap!
And then He reminds me, “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
I sometimes wonder if He doesn’t allow days like this to make me see that I TRULY CAN be still and quiet. Maybe He’s letting me practice. Isn’t God funny like that? Oh, He just makes me laugh out loud sometimes at His goodness.
For a very long time I thought that relationships that were healthy were only relationships where we were just talking all the time! (I still struggle with thinking something’s wrong between me and someone if we haven’t spoken in a while! I hate being insecure!) My husband, the engineer type on the other hand, thinks the opposite. (Imagine that!) He always says, “Well, someone HAS to listen!”
Our God is a true gentleman. He will not speak while we are speaking. And we can’t listen while we are speaking! I know it pleases Him when I come and spill my guts about everything that’s troubling me, when I am happy and praising Him or when I just need to ask Him to show me His Will, but THEN I need to SHUT IT! I need to have a day like today where I reconnect with His Word and see that He has so much to say to me!!
His Word is perfect and without it our lives have no direction and this sanguine girl could use all the direction I can get!