You Never Know

They walk through the door, and I never know.

Will their eyes be full of fear or tears? Will they smell of sweat and neglect? Will they need so much more than I can give? Hurting. Lost. Ashamed. Hopeless.

Will they have children with no shoes? Nothing to wear? No socks? No underwear? Longing to play, read, run.. but carrying far more than they should.. so young.

Will they say, “I have no address.”  No eye contact. No place to put the things they take. No bed. No roof. No front door.

Will they have no job and no means of provision? No heat. No pots or pans. No bus fare and so they walk.. ride a bike.. anything to get to the little help that we can give.

Will they listen as I say, “These things.. these threads of clothing that we offer will one day wear out. But Christ… He is eternal and His Word and His death and resurrection is what we must lean on, trust in, believe.” Will they? Will they hear that He did it for THEM? Will they trust? Understand? Believe? Do they only listen to appease me since the clothing has been given? Is it real? Is it an act? I never know.

When their eyes are blank with mental illness, physical illness bends them and brokenness takes it’s toll do our efforts make a difference? Bring hope? Comfort?

When others ask me if I am certain that they are all in need I respond with, “Aren’t we all?” in my heart. For we all… at some point are. The reality is that I never really know. It is just that outwardly it sure does seem that way when I see what I see.

I never dreamed my life would intersect here. Ministry that lies on your chest for days and visions that do not leave your mind. Voices that tell stories of fear and dread that echo in your ears long after the person has gone. Where do they go? Will they turn to God? I really never know.


Cindy said…
I love it when the Lord DOES allow us to see a glimpse of His working in peoples lives. I loved the part of this post, 'ministry that lies on your chest for days.' Powerful description.

The word I had to write to prove I'm not a robot is 'joy etc'. :)

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