God at Work!

Sometimes it’s is really hard to sense where God is and how He’s working. It just seems that He’s silent and that prayers just seem to bounce off the ceiling.

Other times I am completely and utterly blown away by His presence and His leading and I am humbled beyond belief that He’d let me experience Him in such a way. Now, PRAISE HIS NAME, is one of those times.

I wish I had taken my camera to a recent coffee house that the youth at our church recently did. It was AHHHH--- mazing! God used those kids to challenge us to be BOLD in our faith (It was called BOLD, too!) and to not be satisfied with the status quo of Christianity today. The kids danced, they sang and did skits… and they were used by God to help one kid come to Christ! The area rehab and homeless shelters were invited to attend and they LOVED it. They were so challenged to live for Christ and to turn their lives around. It was so awesome to see the next generation taking a stand and, to be quite honest, challenge those of us that are going before them to step up our game!! They were completely unashamed and they spent themselves for Christ that day. It made me so proud to say that those are “OUR KIDS” and that they are making a difference.

God is also at work in our church as a whole and in the lives of the people there. We are looking to get out into the community and give more. Pray more. Serve more and be the hands and feet of Christ more than ever  before! This coming Sunday is going to be a special Sunday where the vision is cast and God is spurring people to action like never before. I can’t wait to share stories and pictures about how God is changing lives through this new breath that He is breathing into our congregation. It is really awesome!

I just think we are tired of saying that we are Christ followers and not really living it in the day to day. It isn’t that we have not had faith before or that we have not loved the Lord, but I do think that we have neglected His command to “go into all nations”  proclaiming His life giving love and forgiveness to those without hope. I think that we are tired of settling for the sidelines when we need to be in the game.

It’s not the job of pastors to be the only ones who rise up and go. We are ALL called to go, tell, pray and love. It takes some of our time… time spent on FB, blogs and twitter… time spent in front of the TV… time spent on nothing meaningful… when we could make the difference for the eternal life of someone who might be dying in their hopelessness.

Today I spoke with a man who runs a food pantry. It’s really small, but it’s some effort to help those in need. He said that they see 120-130 families in a month and they can only provide enough food for 2 meals. He said that one volunteer (ONE!) helps the few staff members distribute food and that his retired parents help him keep things stocked and organized. They are just longing for more food, more people to help and pray, and more people to come along side them to share the hope of Christ.

I think it’s all about to change.

And God is working in me. He has put a vision in my heart to go the distance for Him and for the dignity of men, women and children who need to get back on their feet. I am not completely sure how it will all come about but it’s starting. He’s challenging me to get out there and be His hands and feet to our local community that seems to be going downhill very quickly. This vision has been in my heart and mind for months now and some days it seems that I might explode if something doesn’t happen soon!! For now, I wait. He has a plan and so I have to be patient as He puts the pieces I in place. This past Sunday our pastor said, “Don’t waste the waiting,” and that was just for me! While I wait I will pray and I will be in God’s Word and I will try so hard to listen to His still, small voice! 

It’s time to obey His commands and take Him at His Word. His salvation is free and His blessings are plentiful for every single one of us. So being a follower of Christ is not a real sacrifice. It’s an honor and a blessing to allow Him to use us in some way. He is holy. He deserves our everything!

“Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God. Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the Lord, who makes you holy. “

Lev. 20:7-8


Faith said…
Exciting stuff!! Praying for direction and provision as you wait on what He has in store. Love you!!

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