Name One Thing
Here’s a fun little game to help us learn more about each other! If you repost on your blog leave a comment so I can check it out! I am not real crafty with the whole linky thing! We use to do these a long time ago…
Name one thing for each of the following:
Something you crave when you are sick: Mashed potatoes from KFC
Something your grandmother use to say: “I love you, a bushel and a peck!”
Something you MUST wear if you don’t have time to get your complete face on before leaving the house: Mascara
Something you love to do while working at home: Listen to Pandora Radio
Something you are picky about: Having the kitchen cleaned before bed
Something you wish you were better at: Not procrastinating!
Someone you miss: My Grandma
Somewhere you’d like to visit: Paris
See, now that wasn’t so bad! Tell me about you!