Love What He's Teaching

Yesterday at church was just the sweetest time for me. I have felt for a while that Special Needs ministry is what the Lord is doing in my life and I spent some time in the self-contained classroom yesterday. As simple as it was the kids taught ME a few things:

1)Pray about anything. He listens and He cares no matter how big or small. Even if you have limited language ability you can always muster a "Mama" when asked how we can pray for you.

2) Encourage one another. Even playing the kazoo is a gift! Celebrate it!

3)Hold hands when you pray. Don't leave one hand out!

4)Jesus loves me.


6)Two snacks a day is ok. Sometimes necessary.

7)Say please and thank you


9) Hug your friends when you leave

I can not tell you how many times I had to fight back tears as I saw these precious children and adults say that Jesus loved them. They believe with all that they have and they have the purest hearts. I hope I grow up to be just like them one day.


Faith said…
Just precious! I love them all, especially #1, #2, #8 and #9.
It is so neat to see how God is working in this area at our church! Praise His Name!
Melissa said…
It makes you so thankful that you can walk, talk, reason and function. It is amazing at how they accept love so readily and give it so freely. I am really amazed at all that God is doing too. He is always working!!
Stephanie D. said…
Wow, how great that is. I wanted to thank you for lunch today, it was great. You are such a great, strong christian women. I hope we can get together more often, with all the girls, Jennifer, Faith, Amy, Shannon, everyone. I hope you are feeling better. See ya soon.

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