It's the Simple Things

I think that this past week has, for some reason, been a really sensitive time between me and the Lord. I have noticed little things here and there and He has brought phrases or reminders to me that have just been so encouraging and timely. Some of us use the phrase "God Stops" where we see Him in the smallest things and know that He is at work. I have felt like I am TRULY just walking along holding His hand and talking. The funny thing is that so many of the things have been through animals or creation around me.

It has been sort of like this..

I saw a little baby turtle trying to cross the road and it turned the other way as my car approached. I thought, "Turn around girl! This world is not for you!"

I saw geese in a group waddling along and it was as if the Lord said, "Your walk is not always steady, but you are not alone. I have given you family and friends who walk like you and who know me."

There was a dog playing and jumping around in his yard all by himself... having a grand time! It didn't seem to matter that he was by himself. The Lord said, "Let Me be your delight. You are not alone. Have joy! No matter what comes I am here and we can enjoy our time."

It thundered and I thought, "He's bigger than even that huge, loud, uncontrollable noise, and He's in control of even the thunder."

There were three little birds on our deck and my daughter noticed that they all looked the same and they all kept singing. "Sing to Me child! I am worthy of your praise!" was what I heard.

Those may seem kind of silly to you, and to be honest they have made me smile and sometimes giggle to myself. I have wondered why He would use such things to speak to me, but I am also glad that He's speaking!! There are times when I can't sense Him, hear Him or know that He's even near. It is not always easy to hear that encouragement. Sometimes it's just silence and it can be deafening.

I suppose He is teaching me that I need not take my times of intimacy with Him for granted. I need to look for Him in the little things every single day and not assume that I will always hear Him speak . I am very much like Martha.. busy and not always hearing what the Lord has to say. The times that I somehow manage to quiet myself a tad and listen, like Mary, need to be times that I take in every word that He whispers through His still small voice.

Lord, I thank you for the times that You do speak. I trust that You are always here whether I can hear You or not. You are Lord. You speak through simple things that I sometimes miss because I am too busy or too stubborn to hear. Please don't stop! And please help me to be still enough to hear You. I praise You for the birds of the air, the turtles that crawl and the dogs that run and play. It's the little things that children thank you for, Lord, but I must never forget to come to You like a child.. with a childlike faith... ready to listen to my Daddy.


MiMi said…
I needed to hear this today! Thank you for the reminder that I need to slow down more and be still enough to hear Him.
Hope you have a great week full of "God Stops"!
Heather said…
I love this, Melissa. I want to be like Mary, but so many times I am a Martha! I am going to pray for some "Godstops" of my own this week! Thanks for the challenge!

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