Barbershop Anyone?

This weekend has been pretty fun! My dad is a Barbershop group singer and we went to hear him and the other men in his group perform at a little theater in my parent's small town near Columbia.
Do the red suits just crack you up? They also have red suspenders, those old barbershop hats (you know, the white ones that are flat on top and usually had a red, white and blue band around them?) and arm bands that they alternate at different performances so you don't get bored if you see them more than once! It's really funny!
They have quartets that form from this group and they highlight them between the group performances. They sing old stuff like "Sweet Adaline," "Zippidy-do-da," and "Won't You Be My Sweetheart?" and they really get into it! It is so funny to see the really animated guys sing. Caroline said that one of them looks like Gomer Pile from Andy Griffith and we all just cracked up! Because she was right!
I am a little disappointed because my dad is not in this photo! I am not sure why, but I do know that he took a break for a while so maybe they took this when he was out? Anyway, it was fun to go and see them and hear them sing old songs.

This group was also there! What you don't recognize them? (HA!) They are called "Bar None" and they were the featured guests at this little shin dig. They were actually really good and they got several standing ovations. They did a beach medley with Beach Boys songs and it was all in barbershop style. It's actually quite amazing when they change keys, sing harmony, etc. with no music to guide them. Every thing is acapella so some of their stuff was pretty amazing. You REALLY have to have an ear for harmony if you sing this style of music.
Anyway, time with family is always fun. I was glad that we got to go and support my dad and he was so proud to show us off to the guys in the group. Caroline started the applause after every song and when it was all over she told the guys "You did good! I clapped for you!"
Hope you had a good weekend!