Snow Day and A Prayer Request




We are going for an MRI tomorrow to help us learn more about our girl and why she learns, relates and behaves the way that she does. She is a sweet, sweet girl and she is trying hard. We are so proud of her and the growth that we are seeing! We just know that she is still behind in lots of ways… developmentally(though that seems to be improving), socially (it’s a little better too), academically (things are coming along here in some ways, but she has a ways to go) and in her maturation. She really processes some things so slowly and yet we are seeing more and more growth… which is encouraging!

We don’t know if her sickness at birth (pneumonia and a floppy voice box that caused her to turn blue for a few seconds) has caused the problems that she’s experiencing and we are hoping that this MRI will give us more information about her and how she learns and functions.

Would you just say a little prayer that all will go smoothly (they are putting her to sleep) and that they will gain the information that they hope to gain so that we can help her further? She deals with a lot of anxiety when it comes to doctors, etc. (to the point of throwing up!) so we are praying that she will sense a calm like never before and that this will be just an uneventful event!

The Lord gave me a scripture on a prayer retreat that has become my go to verse! It’s Isaiah 54:13 and it says, “All your sons (daughters!) will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children’s peace.” I have claimed that verse for her daily since the Lord gave it to me and I am claiming it for her tomorrow… that He will be her peace during this time.

Thank you for praying. If there is ever a time that I can lift YOU to the throne of our Heavenly Father please let me know. It would be an honor to go before Him on your behalf!


Mulchy Mama said…
Praying for you all!!
JenB said…
Prayed for her this morning! Love y'all!
Rebecca Jo said…
Praying for answers... keep us updated!
Faith said…
I have been and will keep on praying for all of you. Much love, Faith
Jacquie said…
I'll be praying...
ThreeGirlyGirls said…
Praying for her!! Hope it goes well and you are able to get some answers!!

ps- On a totally side but funny note.....your girly CRACKS ME UP, I always see her I guess coming from lunch on her way upstairs (since it's right by my classroom) and that girly, almost every day will say, "Hey....are you working out?" I'm like trying to tell me something!! =) lol!!
Heather said…
I am praying tonight and will be praying tomorrow!
Carol said…
I'm praying for your family. Thank you for sharing.
MiMi said…
I hope everything went well today for sweet Liney. I love these pictures you posted of her! She looks adorable in them. Those little rosy cheeks with that precious little hat and green jacket. These are precious!

Praying for all of you.

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