A Sweet Surprise!

Oh, I love surprises! And today when I logged on I saw this waiting for me!

Susan over at Count It All Joy had given me a sweet little blawg award. Isn't she sweet?

Ok, to receive this I am suppose to:

1) Confess 5 things I am addicted to

2) Pass it on to 5 deserving bloggers

5 Things I am addicted to:

1) Studying God's Word. I am just so out of whack when I don't have my quiet time. My attitude is hard enough to control without a little "get it in line" from Jesus every day! I NEED it and I want it and I crave it and I love it!

2) My man! I have shared before that I am married to my exact opposite, but what a blessing he is to me. He listens to my crazy girl talk! He laughs with me. He challenges me and supports me and he's just the best! I LOVE me some Steve!!

3)Church. I can not think of another place that I would rather be. I love the people and I love that we all have a common purpose in serving our Lord. He is doing a work in that place like never before and I just thank Him everyday for that!

4) Blogging... yes, it's true. I love seeing how people decorate their homes, spend their time, serve the Lord, deal with frustrations of life and what they find amusing. It's fun to make new friends and learn more about others through blogging.

5)Friends! I LOVE MY FRIENDS! Going to lunch, studying God's word, talking, crying, laughing, sharing... all that goes into friendships just make me smile. I love that I have friends that I can be real with and who love me anyway. God has blessed me with amazing women and I am eternally grateful!

Ok! I think there are LOTS of deserving bloggers but I will pick...

Jennifer for hanging in when she thought she might stop her blog!

Faith for helping so many others get their blogs beautified!

Valarie for blogging about how God is at work in her life.

Amy for sharing about her new adventures as a newly wed.

Nikki for keeping us smiling with the adventures of those three precious blondes!

Stop by and give 'em some love! :)


ThreeGirlyGirls said…
Awe! Thank you!!! I love you too girlfriend!! And yes...the Lord is up to some big things at our church home and I love being apart of it too.

And ps- I'm TOTALLY married to my opposite too!!
MiMi said…
Congratulations on your award! You are so deserving of it! Your blog is fabulous and so are YOU, my friend!
Leigh Ann said…
I think your blog is fabulous, too!
Faith said…
Congratulations on your award! And, thanks so much for passing it along...so sweet!

Hope you've had a great weekend!
Valarie said…
Girl, you crack me up! Thank you so much! I love ya!
Anonymous said…
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I actually passed right by Columbia College today going to the baseball game. I can't wait to read The Shack. Any other good books you can recommend? You have a beautiful family.

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