More of What I Love...

I don't usually write 2 entries in one day, but the last one about the things that I love really got me thinking today. IT IS GOOD to say the things that you love out loud. It gives you perspective and really can make your day brighter. We all love things that we never really think about saying out loud.

So something else that I love is when my kid learns new things and she is so proud of herself.

I also love cell phones.

You do realize that loving God and loving cell phones or chocolate or anything else is two totally different things? I have heard my husband say many times when teaching Sunday school that the English language is a lazy language. We have too many words that say the same thing, but mean something totally different and to a totally different degree. It's not fair to say that we love God and french fries in the same sentence. It's the degree and seriousness of the love that are totally different and we should never be so flippant! When it comes to God, of course.

And I DO love french fries.

I love cold weather.

I love smelling hot chocolate, coffee and cider.

I love having lunch with friends. LOVE IT! Ask any of them.

I love to talk. Ask any of my friends.

I love ribbon. Pretty ribbon. Grosgrain, satin, silk... fat, skinny... striped, solid, houndstooth, plaid... ribbon on shoes, mirrors, dresses.... in hair... ribbon. LOTS of ribbon... on everything. The girlier the better.

I love ballet. Did you know that? I danced and I love the discipline and the gracefulness. I love that people think that they could do it, but it is SO hard that they never could.

I love lots of things.. try sharing somethings that you love. You don't have to share them here, but challenge yourself to think outside the box and find out what you love.

Think about them, write them down and thank God for them.

He loves YOU! I do know that!!


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