It's a New Look!

It's not the most creative blawg design I've ever seen, but it's fresh and new.

I love fresh and new. Don't you? It's "summery," wouldn't you say?

Thanks to Faith who put the different font on there for me. I am seriously challenged in the techy stuff. But friends? I got those! They can do wonders for a girl's blawg savvy appearance. Wouldn't you agree?

Well, today I had to take my girl for a doctor's appointment to get her prepared for a little out patient surgery at the end of the week. Bless her heart. She HATES going to the doctor. But what's a mama to do? I gotta take care of my girl!

Anyway, on Friday she is having some teeth filled, but she is SOO sensitive to the smells in a doctors office that she gags! AND her gag reflex is so strong that she throws up sometimes just at the smell... much less the actual procedure that works all in your mouth! So we have to put her to sleep just to fill some little cavities just to keep her little mouth healthy.

I'll just tell ya. I ain't lookin' forward to it! BUT a mama's gotta do what a mama's gotta do!

In other exciting news.. next week is VBS at our church and I am the Special Needs coordinator. I have been busy as a little bee trying to get my volunteers lined up and my crafts together. I am excited though... these kids don't always get to participate in something like VBS because there isn't always a place for them. So this year we are making a place!! It's gonna be fun! It's so awesome to see their parent's faces when they hear that there is something for their autistic son or mentally handicapped daughter that's just like all the other kids! It will make you weep! Just precious! I am eager to see what God will do next week in the hearts of these kids and their parents!

It's only Tuesday so I hope this week is going well for you! What are you doing with your summer time?


Heather said…
LOVE the new look! I need that girl to work some magic on my blog!!!
I teared up thinking about the special needs kids you will be serving at VBS. Melissa, that is SUCH a need and so wonderful that you are providing it. I love it so much. I feel confident in saying this.....The Lord is ECSTATIC about this ministry!!! Way to go, girl!
Faith said…
Looks good my friend! We can do some more work later, if you want to add a different background or something...just let me know! It's so much fun to work on.
Praying for Liney this week. I pray that she will have a calm and peaceful spirit as she goes in to the dr.
Also, so excited about VBS and the precious children that will be coming. God is working in amazing ways!!!
Michelle said…
I love your new look!!! Perfect for summer.

We are doing VBS this week (Outrigger Island!) and I think you work to create a place for everyone is just brings tears to my eyes to realize all I probably have missed through the years as I didn't even think about the fact that some children don't get to experience the joys of VBS. YOU are a blessing.

Best of luck to your sweet, oldest son always hated to go to any kind of DR. He also hated having his photos doing in a studio because I think it "Felt" a lot like a Dr.'s office to him.

MiMi said…
I think we have the same technical person designing our blogs! LOL! Where would we be without Faith?!?! So sorry to hear that precious little Caroline has to go to the dentist this week, but I am sure that she will do fine. Talking about the smells in a dentist office, of course after some 36 years of working in a dentist office I don't even notice the smells, but when I used to come home from work when my kids were small, they would say, "You SMELL like a dentist office"!! Now, with all the sensitivities that I have to fragrances, chemicals, etc. I can certainly relate to Liney's problem and it is real! Being put to sleep will just make the whole process much easier for her! I'll be praying for her (and you)!

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